Friday, April 12, 2024

bang bang shoot em up shoot em up yeah

 welcome to my blog that has like no views. i can't stop thinking about ice nine kills also petekey

this picture is saved on my computer as "men who kiss pete wentz" yeah. petekey is like............... ok it's weird when ppl wrote fanfic about them but also aaaaaah when you're just some guy who's 5'6" and you write 39084905830 songs about another guy and then you make a third guy sing them yay like aww he really wrote all these songs about him it's not like there's any better gay rep in cool music unfortunately

btw mcr is not cool to me but mikey's haircut and glasses back then were cool now he just looks like any random guy like who gives a shit. he would Not have fucked written on his arm or whatever

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