Sunday, November 5, 2023

first post!?!?!?!

 omg hey. welcome to my blog.

i'm trying to pretend it's 2009 okay. i have a neocities but that's not very 2009. will anyone read this???? a couple years ago i made a new wordpress but that was not a success. well, i got like two quality comments from someone. years later. XD since this is blogger maybe it will show up in google searches like wordpress blogs used to? did you know that if you search like "" and your search terms you can find like a lot of interesting abandoned blogs... N-E-way... 

the aforementioned wordpress was an anime-ish blog... this is more emo!?!?! not really. i'm going to dye my hair black soon and i will write about how it goes here. maybe i will post some outfits and stuff... or just write about how much I LOVE FALL OUT BOY.

people always say they don't like when people end sentences with ellipsis (the three periods) and it makes the writer sound angry but i don't get that at all! i am ending a sentence but also not ending the sentence cuz maybe it isn't even a whole sentence, y'know???? have you ever even read a manga like i feel like manga has that all the time... YEAH I DID THAT.


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